AWJ – Abrasive cutting technology
This is a result of the focus on the abrasive waterjet technology. The technology needs an advance cutting speed optimization to combine high quality cuts with great cutting speeds.
The AWJ module accounts for parameters such as material thickness, material quality, pressure, abrasive flow etc. to optimize the cutting speed. The module is essential for cutting with waterjet machines.

CAD – Multilayer 2D drawings with great features
We offer you a complete 2D CAD with layers, dimensions and many more features for making perfect drawings.

TOOLS – Geometry optimization for damaged drawings
This module includes different applications for optimizing the contour. It will reduce the number of objects in a contour without destroying the measurements and can be used to remove overlapped geometry and heal geometries with gaps and other defects.

CAM – Decide how you want to cut your parts
This module handles the CAM settings for machines with up to 6-axis. Use our pre-defined automatic settings, or customize you leads and cutting quality to suit your own needs.

DATAEXCHANGE – Import more file types
With the DataExchange module you can import several other file formats than the standard .dxf, .dwg, .acd & dig files. With the module, you can import .wmf, .ps, .eps, .gen, .geo, .igs, .mec, .ord & .tag files. You can also import your NC code back into igems with the special command NC reader

NEST 1 – Semi automatic nesting commands
The nest modules help you to arrange the layout of parts on a sheet in order to get as little waste material as possible. Nest 1 includes several semi automatic nest strategies, including circle nest, rectangle nest & single nest.

NEST 2 – Fully automatic nesting commands
Fully automatic nesting feature. This module is useful if you need to place several different parts simultaneously on a single plate.

BEVEL – 5-axis cutting
You can import 3D files into IGEMS and place toolpaths on the contour of the model.
There are plenty of settings in a 3D software, and we believe in things that are easy to use. So we stripped it down as much as possible to give you a light and fast 3D software for applying toolpaths.
The module includes functions for defining surfaces/edges, adding toolpaths and customize leads, collision control etc. It’s included in the regular Bevel module and can be downloaded by anyone with an update subscription.

TUBE – Tube cutting
The tube can be mounted on a C-axis engine, or in a fixture. It can be defined into whatever shape you want and contain holes, cutoffs and special holes like logotypes. It’s opened in a 3D viewer so you easily can see what’s going on when you’re designing. FinJet tube cutting unit can be combined with 3D cutting head.

ORGANIZER – Database for parts and sheets
The Orgainzer module is a simple but effective SQL database to store parts and other documents related to the part. Imported geometry to IGEMS can be registered into Organizer after material, thickness, quantity and other parameters applied to the part. Filtering of specific information can be done by setting up filters for quick and easy access of parts.

CAMERA – Import an image of your sheet
The camera gives you an overview of your machine table. It imports an exactly scaled image and places it right on the zero point of your drawing. From there on, you know that the zero point of the image is the same as the zero point on the machine.

TILEMAKER – Cutting & nesting for inlays & tiles
A module specially designed for the stone industry. It includes a special nesting utility for tile making and commands for making inlays.

SIGNMAKER – Use fonts & images in you drawings.
The module allows you to import images onto you drawing and automatically use it to generate CAD vectors, or use as a background for manual generation of vectors. You can also use true type fonts that will be converted to smooth geometry.

FLOATINGLICENCE – Multiple users with fewer licences
Floating license is a network license of IGEMS and can be installed in any LAN network. With this option, you can install as many clients as you want and administrate the access with the Floating license module.